John Church Hamilton (August 22, 1792 - July 25, 1882) was the fourth son, fifth child of the founding father Alexander Hamilton.
He was a lawyer, fought in the War of 1812, and devoted decades to writing a many-volumed life of his father and sorting through his letters and other papers.[1]
His obituary appeared in the New York Times and reads:
John Church Hamilton, a son of Alexander Hamilton, the first Secretary of the Treasury of the United States, died early yesterday morning in the Stockton cottage, on Ocean avenue, Long Branch. He had been failing from extreme old age for several months, but the immediate cause of his death was a complication of jaundice and ?. Mr. Hamilton was born in Philadelphia in 1792, while his father was Secretary of the Treasury and was only 14 years old when the latter was killed in the famous duel with Aaron Burr. He graduated from Columbia College in this city in 1809 and afterwards studied law. Subsequently he entered the United States Army and during the War of 1812 served as Aide-de-camp on the staff of Major General Harrison. He does not appear, however, to have been actually engaged in the field. In June, 1814, he resigned his position in the Army and returned to private life. He did not apply himself to the practice of law, but, having strong literary tastes, devoted himself to the study of history, with a view to writing his father's life. Between 1834 and 1840 he published the "Memoirs of the Life of Alexander Hamilton," in two volumes, octavo, which brought Hamilton's life down to the adoption of the Federal Constitution. Two more volumes were expected but did not appear. In 1851 he published "The World of Alexander Hamilton" in 7 volumes, octavo, and in 1858 "A History of the Republic as Traced in the Writings of Alexander Hamilton" in 2 volumes, octavo, he also published an addition of " The Federalist," with notes and comments, which was highly praised by the late Horace Greeley. Mr. Hamilton's opinions on economical subjects were at different times solicited by Judge Lawrence, First Controller of the Treasury; General Grant and latterly, by President Arthur. In politi Mr. Hamilton was at first a Whig and afterwards an ardent Republican. He, however, never held an office, although he was years ago an unsuccessful candidate for Congress in a district of this city. Not quite two years ago Mr. Hamilton presented to this city the statue of Alexander Hamilton which stands upon a little knoll in Central Park near the Metropolitan Museum of Art. At the unveiling of the statue, on November 23rd , 1880 Mr. Hamilton said: "Upon a base of granite rock with a tracing of forest trees marking it's central position and valuing the sympathies of this distinguished assemblage, I present it to this great Metropolis through your honor, (Edward Cooper) its esteemed Mayor. Though preferring it were the act of others, I may be permitted to avow a trust near the close of a century of our natural existence, time having developed the utility of his public services and the lessons of his polity, that this memorial may aid in their being recalled and usefully appreciated under the blessing of a Constitution ordained and established by the people of the United States of America. " Mr. Hamilton married a daughter of John Cornelius Van den Huevel, a prominent and wealthy merchant of this city. His wife died in 1872. 9 Children survive him. The sons are General Schuyler Hamilton, who served with distinction in the Mexican War and also the War of the Rebellion; Judge Charles Hamilton, of the Supreme Court of Wisconsin; William G. Hamilton, the consulting engineer of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company; and Alexander Hamilton of Westchester County. One of his daughters married Major General Halleck, and, after his death Major General George Cullum. Another is the wife of ex-Judge Charles A. Peabody. Three of his daughters - Charlotte A., Adelaide, and Alice- are unmarried. Mr. Hamilton's remains were brought to this city from Long Branch yesterday afternoon. The funeral services will be held in Trinity Church at 12 [PM] tomorrow."